Today we have a special guest blogger. Tom Gamm is the National Cowboy Poetry Gathering Logistics Manager. He hangs all the banners, moves chairs and stages, sets up for the workshops and special events, and makes all of our lives easier. Today he's talking about one of his favorite events, the Conversation and Dinner series started by Baxter Black, and featuring Red Steagall. Welcome to the Western Folklife Center.
In the years that I've been helping to stage the Gathering, I've especially enjoyed working on the dinner at the Basque Hall because it is an intimate venue away from thesometimes overwhelming frenzy of the Gatheirng. Individuals can experience, in a relaxed environment, one of the more iconic figures at the center of our culture. I don't think we replicate that experience as well anywhere else.
One of the things I've experienced as staff here is how deeply appreciative Baxter, Murphey, and now Red, are of the opportunity they have to engage us, and the passion and clarity with which they embrace their roles. If you have ever had a chance to work with or be with them when the bright lights aren't on, as I have over the years, you would truly experience that passion. You would gain an even greater appreciation of their efforts and integrity.
Please don't miss this opportunity--I've heard there is space at the dinner and I take it on as a mission to urge people to attend. You will not regret it.
Tom Gamm
"A Conversation and Dinner with Red Stegall" is on Friday, January 29, at 5:00 pm in the Basque Club House. To purchase tickets for "A Conversation and Dinner with Red Steagall" go to the Western Folklife Center's website or call 888-880-5885 (toll free) or 775-738-7508 (in Elko or outside the U.S.).