This saddle was built on a 16-inch Wade tree made by Bill Bean, Eagle, Idaho. It is full flower carved using a traditional 6-petal wild rose pattern and features silver made by FlatHat Silver, Molt, Montana. The saddle has a 6 1/4-inch by 7 1/2-inch gullet, 90-degree bars, 8-inch swell, 4 1/2-inch stock, and 3-inch horn with 4-inch cap. Other features include an 11 1/2-inch by 4 1/2-inch cantle with Cheyenne roll, 4 1/2-inch Jailhouse stirrups with heel blocks and an Oregon cross over rope strap.
AARON FANDEK, Saddlemaker, Huntley, Montana
Aaron Fandek grew up on a ranch near Pinedale, Wyoming. After graduation, he worked several ranch jobs through the next eight years, and eventually went to farrier school and became a full time farrier for the next eight years. He had always wanted to build a saddle and while tying rope halters for Chas Weldon was able to strike a deal with Chas to help him through his first saddle. Since then he has benefited from the generous time and advice of Bob Douglas, Ben Swanke, Keith Seidel, Steve Mecum and Don Butler. Aaron enjoys building all types of cowboy gear, but spends most of his time making Wade saddles and Monel stirrups. "I enjoy my trade and strive to improve my skills with every saddle," Aaron says in summary.
Photos by Adam Jahiel